Welcome to Wickham Park Cricket Club
We are a small, lively, and very friendly Cricket Club ideally situated between the hamlets of West Wickham and Hayes in the London Borough of Bromley. We have a full programme of matches serving the local community and the Cricket Club.
We currently run two Saturday League teams – our first team plays in the Kent Cricket League, Tier 2, Division 7, and the second team plays in Tier 5, Division 12.
On Sundays, there is one team which plays friendly fixtures, mostly at home and it is a good opportunity for families and friends to come down and support.
Midweek, the ground is used regularly by the XL Club, Kent Over 60s and the Bromley Under 11s as well as by our Wickham Park midweek team. We have also joined the DynoT20 league playing 20 overs against local sides and will be playing indoor cricket during the winter months.
There is an active clubhouse with fully licensed bar and hall.
A note on recent events
To all Members and Parents,
The last few days have brought the subject of discrimination in cricket to the front pages of the newspapers.
The WPCC Committee wanted to reiterate that discrimination of any kind has no place in cricket anywhere, and certainly not at Wickham Park Cricket Club.
In that respect we wanted to draw to your attention a couple of things.
Firstly, Kent have issued their own statement on discrimination in cricket, which we are wholeheartedly behind. It includes information on the Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket (ICEC), which has released a Call for Evidence in order to hear people’s experiences of discrimination and inclusion in cricket.https://www.kentcricket.co.uk/news/club-statement-09-11-21/
Secondly, as a committee we would love to hear views from any of our members, as to how we could make WPCC an even more inclusive place to play cricket.
Our Safeguarding Officer Lynne Hayward ( wayward.five@btinternet.com ) has offered to be the conduit for any thoughts/views into the committee on this, at any time, and people should feel encouraged to do so.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Nicholas Dumper

Tier 2 (our 1st team)
9 teams in the League. 2 up / 2 down
45 overs each - max 9 overs per bowler
Umpire to be provided (he/she can not play)
Start 1230
2 balls per game - Readers Superior Crown
Strict definition of wide
Tier 5 (our 2nd team)
9 teams in the League. 2 up / 2 down
40 overs each - max 8 overs per bowler
Start 1300
2 balls per game - Readers County Crown
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Kent Cricket League - February 2025
Toby and I volunteered to go to this meeting in Maidstone last week - not that anyone else was keen to go, tbh! But it had to be done - and as usual it was raining. Most of it is administration but there are always some interesting bits of information and updates to the playing conditions.
• It is a requirement of membership of the League that ALL Clubs are registered with and operate the ECB Safe Hands Management System (SHMS). As part of this process, Clubs will need to have a fully compliant ECB Safeguarding Officer and team captains will need to have a valid ECB DBS. Toby will get in touch with the relevant people.
2. A team discovered playing any player under an assumed name will be automatically relegated at the end of the season, unless
the Management Committee decides otherwise in the particular circumstances of any given case. The relevant Club may face additional sanctions under Rule 18.
We do need to be very careful about this!
3. In the event of a delayed start due to adverse playing conditions, no overs shall be deducted for the first 30 minutes. Thereafter, the match shall be reduced in length by two overs for every seven and a half minutes lost [this is based on over rate of 16 overs an hour]. The side batting first shall occupy not more than half the total overs.
Used to be 2 overs every six minutes!
4. Tier 5 (2nd XI) - the winning team automatically scores 20 points regardless of the number of opposition wickets taken. The number of bonus points received by the losing team remains the same.
The reason for this is so that winning team are not penalised by not taking all the wickets. It might lead to negative cricket.
Match start times
Tier 2 (1st XI) - matches commence at 12:30 except those after 15th August, which will commence at 12:00.
Tier 5 (2nd X!) - matches commence at 13:00 except those after 15th August, which will commence at 12:30.
Comment - back to how it used to be a few years ago, so that late season games aren’t affected by fading light and/or a low sun before they finish.
Conduct Regulations
Last year there were more reports of misbehaviour than the year before - partly because the system of reporting has been made easier and the rules are clearer. As a reminder to all here are details of the offence levels in the conduct regulations.
** Offence Levels **
Level 1
(a) Willfully mistreating any part of the cricket ground or any equipment or implements used in the match.
(b) Showing dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action.
(c) Using language that, in the circumstances, is obscene, offensive, or insulting.
(d) Appealing excessively.
(e) Advancing towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing.
(f) Any other misconduct, the nature of which is equivalent to a Level 1 offence.
Level 2
(a) Showing serious dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action.
(b) Making inappropriate and deliberate physical contact (direct or indirect) with another cricketer.
(c) Throwing the ball at a cricketer, umpire, or another person in an inappropriate and dangerous manner.
(d) Using language or gesture to another cricketer, umpire, team official or spectator that, in the circumstances, is obscene or of a seriously insulting nature.
(e) Any other misconduct, the nature of which is equivalent to a Level 2 offence.
Level 3
(a) Intimidating an umpire by language or gesture; and/or
(b) Threatening to assault a cricketer or any other person except an umpire; or (c) Any other misconduct, the nature of which is equivalent to a Level 3 offence.
Level 4
(a) Threatening to assault an umpire.
(b) Making inappropriate and deliberate and/or dangerous physical contact (direct or indirect) with an umpire.
(c) Physically assaulting a cricketer or any other person; and/or
(d) Committing any other act of violence.
(e) Any other misconduct, the nature of which is equivalent to a Level 4 offence.
Comment - please be aware that any transgressions automatically drag your captain and the club into trouble too. I know on the whole we are well behaved, on and off the field, but let us not get complacent. Please be mindful how your actions or reactions might be interpreted by others. It is also worth noting that people have been sanctioned for comments, or the sharing of comments, on social media.
All the details from the meeting are / will be on PlayCricket - please look here for more information.
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Wickham Park 1st XI | Season 2024 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Season Ends |
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| Season 2024 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Wickham Park Sunday Games | Season 2024 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To be announced, Captain of the 1st XI

Dave Smith, Captain of the 2nd XI

Dharma Murugesan
Captain: Sunday XI

Cricket Equipment
If you need a shop to go into, try - Cook and Matthews Sport
Address: 68 High St, Chislehurst, BR7 5AQ, England
Phone: +44 20 8467 6633
Website: https://www.cookandmatthewssport.co.uk/
For Club clothing with the Club logo, we recommend:
Beckenham Cricket Specialists have now gone online.
They will deliver locally. sales@beckenhamcricketspec.com
Membership for 2024
We are pleased to announce that annual subscriptions and weekly match fees remain the same as in 2023.
Please bear in mind that the Sunday Ovalites have merged with the WP Sunday Team.
- Junior membership: £45.00
- Adult membership: £85.00
If you are already a member of another Club
- Adult membership: £45.00
Annual Social Membership £25.00
Match Fees: £10 per game. If you play more than one game in a week, the second and subsequent games are £5.
Please remember you must be registered with the League before you can play. We will need:
Full Name Address Email address Phone Number
Date of Birth Nationality Student (if applicable)
Year arrived in UK (if applicable) Residency Status (if applicable)
Contact Nick Dumper or Peryasami Mangudi with all relevant details. We would love to welcome you to our Club!
For further information on any cricketing matters please get in touch with Nick Dumper at: sparky278.nd@googlemail.com
Or refer to our Facebook page: Wickham Park CC
Or follow us on Twitter: @wickhamparkcri1
Or follow us on Instagram @wickhamparkcricket
Fixtures and results
Check out our latest results and table standings on the offical website here: